
Paediatric sub-specialties

In the UK, all paediatricians develop a sub-specialty in the final stage of their training. These cover a range of health conditions and treatments, from the very specific to general paediatrics. Whether you're a medical student, foundation doctor or trainee considering future options, or currently doing your sub-specialty training, take a look at each clinical area below.

Once paediatric doctors in training complete Core Paediatrics (ST1-ST4), they move into Specialty Training (ST5-ST7) as the second part of the UK paediatric training pathway. During this time, they focus on the area of paediatrics in which they will specialise and work once qualified as a consultant.

As well as working in the hugely varied area of General Paediatrics, it is possible to train in a specific area of treating children and young people, and gain the CCT*  in one of 17 paediatric sub-specialty training programmes.

There are limited posts to train in sub-specialty paediatrics, so there is a competitive recruitment process.

* CCT is the Certificate of Completion of Training, the route to specialist registration for doctors qualifying as consultants in the UK

Person looking at computer and a tick mark

How to apply to sub-specialty training

Our comprehensive guidance explains when and how to apply via the national sub-specialty recruitment process - including the full applicant guide and what to expect at interview.

Other paediatric specialties

It is also possible to train in other specialist areas of the paediatric workforce, outside of the RCPCH paediatric training pathway. Some can be moved into after completing core paediatric training; others are completed as specialist training as part of the allied adult specialty training.

RCPCH not offer training in the specialties below. Please contact the Association or Royal College listed next to the specialty to find out more or .

  • Paediatric Audiology – British Association of Paediatricians in Audiology
  • Paediatric Haematology – Royal College of Pathologists
  • Paediatric Dermatology – Royal College of Physicians 
  • Paediatric Cardiology – Royal College of Physicians
  • Paediatric Psychiatry – Royal College of Psychiatrists
  • Paediatric Anaesthesia – Royal College of Anaesthetists
  • Paediatric Clinical Genetics – Royal College of Physicians 
  • Paediatric Radiology – Royal College of Radiologists
  • Paediatric Surgery (including Dentistry) – Royal College of Surgeons 
  • Paediatric Urology – Royal College of Surgeons