Becoming a member - or changing your membership type
We have different membership types depending on your career stage or pathway - from medical student to retired doctor, for those in specialty paediatric training or for other child health professionals.
Successful completion of our membership examinations, the MRCPCH, will enable you to become an ordinary member. We also offer fellowship, the pinnacle of College membership, and this has two routes: by registration on the GMC or IMC specialist register, or by election.
You can find out which membership type you need with our short questionnaire.
Your RCPCH online account
Your account is your gateway to online services at the College. You can update your details, book exams, apply and manage your membership and access other websites such as ePortfolio, CPD Diary, RCPCH Learning and Child Protection Portal.
You can log in using your RCPCH number (your membership number) and password. If you get stuck, see our account help page.
Subscriptions and how to pay
The membership year begins in January. We write to each member with information on the amount to pay. Find out more about membership renewals.
Your subscription rate depends on your membership type and, for some categories, where you live. Find out more about subscriptions.
To pay by Direct Debit, credit or debit card, log in and go to your account. Then follow the links on your 皇家华人block.
Concessions may be available for some members, for example, due to financial hardship, maternity, shared parental or adoption leave or working less than full time
Find out more about concessions and apply.
Your membership certificate and ceremony
We enjoy welcoming new Ordinary Members and Fellows of the RCPCH, and their guests, at our admissions ceremonies, which take place at different venues throughout the year. It's a wonderful opportunity to commemorate your achievements, and receive your certificate from our senior Officers.
If you do not attend the ceremony, we send your certificate by post.
Members who have lost their original certificate after being issued can purchase a replacement for 拢20 by contacting the Member Services team.
Resigning as a member
We hope you will decide to stay an RCPCH member throughout and after your career. If you are permanently retired, you may wish to become a senior member, senior fellow or retired associate, which offers a substantially reduced subscription rate. Concessions may be available for some members, for example, due to financial hardship, maternity, shared parental or adoption leave or working less than full time.
If you decide to resign, you will need to complete a short form so we can process your resignation and provide a refund where appropriate. Find out how to resign your membership.