

In our three shows - RCPCH Podcasts, The Paeds Round and RCPCH &Us Podcasts - members, young volunteers and guests discuss all things paediatrics, from education and training to health policy and advocacy. Listen and subscribe to our shows on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon or wherever you listen to your podcasts!
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RCPCH Podcasts

Our main show features a wide range of child health topics from the College, such as improving patient safety, tackling health inequalities and supporting your working life and wellbeing as a health professional.
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The Paeds Round

Our educational show has real-world guidance on managing clinical areas such as neonatal herpes, fever and group A strep and insight into public health issues like using social media and sharing information with families.
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RCPCH &Us Podcasts

This show is produced with, and hosted by, young volunteers and is all about what matters to children and young people on health. Packed with insight, the episodes include short interviews with paediatricians, nurses and allied health professionals plus the experiences of young people themselves. 

RCPCH Podcasts - latest episodes