
Clinical guidelines

Paediatricians and their colleagues regularly use clinical guidelines to manage the treatment of children's medical conditions. We produce guidelines in line with our NICE accreditation. We provide a directory and we support specialty groups to develop guidelines.
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Developing a clinical guideline

Our new 'hub' aims to help specialty groups develop a guideline for RCPCH endorsement: how to recruit the guideline development group, consult with stakeholders, agree the scope, run the search, formulate the recommendations (including where evidence may be weak) and disseminate the final guideline. 

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We provide a full list of paediatric clinical guidelines - organised by clinical topic - which meet the standards for RCPCH endorsement, and which are published by NICE, SIGN, Royal Colleges or paediatric specialty groups.
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It is essential that paediatricians and other child health professionals contribute to the development of guidelines. We share ways to get involved, including consultations on draft scopes and guidelines via RCPCH or your specialty group.
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Our process manual sets standards for the development of clinical guidelines, including grading evidence, consensus methods, dissemination and implementation. Updated in April 2020 and accredited by NICE since 2006.