
Supporting training

Our clinicians and staff ensure the quality and rigorousness of every exam and assessment for trainee paediatricians. We facilitate groups to generate questions and scenarios and use the Standard Setting Angoff process to review questions one final time after the exam. Here's how we support those who support trainees.
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Educational supervisors oversee doctors who are training in paediatrics, offering career guidance and supporting personal development.
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College Tutors are responsible for postgraduate medical education in each NHS Trust. As RCPCH representatives, they have a duty to keep up to date with our standards in education and training. We host two meetings a year.
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Paediatric Heads of School and Training Programme Directors have an important role in developing, delivering and quality managing paediatric specialty training in the UK.
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Examiners assess the performance of candidates in our MRCPCH (membership) and DCH (Diploma of Child Health) Clinical exams, both in the UK and internationally. Hosts are responsible for all local clinical exam arrangements.
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Assessors for our Specialty Training Assessment of Readiness for Tenure (START) help produce scenarios and assess at this assessment for all UK trainees as they prepare for a consultant role.
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The College Specialty Advisory Committees supervise the development and delivery of sub-specialty training and the assessment standards. We signpost committee members to resources and templates.


Health Education England (HEE) local offices in England and deaneries in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, are responsible for the education and training of health and public health workers at a regional level.

We provide some information for deaneries about the quality management of paediatric training, including externality and ePortfolio guidance. We also have a listing of contacts at deaneries.