
Clinical audits

Our audits aim to improve care and health outcomes for babies, children and young people. They include audits of clinical care, which are commissioned by the Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership as well as audits of service standards, run in collaboration with affiliated specialty groups.

Our HQIP audits

The following three audits are commissioned by the Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership (HQIP) as part of the National Clinical Audit and Patient Outcomes Programme (NCAPOP).

Hands holding purple ribbon
Epilepsy is the commonest significant neurological disorder affecting children and young people. Our organisational and clinical audits help epilepsy services to measure and improve the quality of care for children and young people with seizures and epilepsies in England and Wales, and is supported by the Epilepsy12 Youth Advocates.
Premature baby lying in cot
Some babies in the UK need specialist care when they are born: they may be born too early, with a low birth weight or have a medical condition. Running since 2006, this clinical audit aims to improve care to these infants.
Close up of gloved hands taking blook prick sample of someone else's hands
Thousands of children and young people live with diabetes. We work with hospitals in England, Wales and Jersey to measure their health outcomes and experiences, looking at incidence and prevalence, diabetes-related outcomes and complications and the use of technologies.
Young girl smiling with head resting on her arm
We conducted a national audit of the Good practice service delivery standards for the management of children referred for child protection medical assessments. Read our report to learn about the resulting key findings and recommendations.
We ran a joint audit on PGHAN services for infants, children and young people with a wide range of conditions across the UK. Our report highlights the main findings as well as recommendations for healthcare professionals and providers to drive improvement where needed.

Future audits and further information

If you would like to be notified of future audits being delivered by the RCPCH, or have any queries, please contact the team to share your details: auditteam@rcpch.ac.uk.