
Prevention of ill health

Prevention is an integral part of the solution to many of the problems that children face in the UK - from increasing mortality rates, to high prevalence of obesity, to widening social and health inequalities.

"Securing our healthy future: Prevention is better than cure"

Set in the context of a political deprioritisation of children and young people within the UK Government’s current health agenda, this report, published by the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges in September 2023, makes the case for prioritising the prevention of ill health in childhood.

State of Child Health is our landmark report into the health and wellbeing of children and young people in the UK. This looks at three indicators around prevention of ill health: immunisations, healthy weight and oral health.

The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC)'s green paper in 2019, "Advancing our health: prevention in the 2020s", included proposals to tackle the causes of preventable ill health in England - looking at services, choices and conditions.

We responded to the consultation on this green paper. We were supportive of many of the Government's ambitious plans, but noted the need for sufficient funding and cross-government focus on improving the social conditions in which people are born and live.

News about public health and prevention

Media response

RCPCH celebrates uptake of RSV maternal vaccine

The new maternal Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) vaccine rolled out in September saw more than 1 in 3 women giving birth take up the offer during the first month.